Friday, July 6, 2012

My veterinary identity crisis.....

I obviously need to jump up and down and make myself  more known out there.  I am suffering from an identity crisis... I know who I am but does anyone else?

This week I received a mailing from an organisation in Sydney which I used to receive veterinary magazines from.  It was written to another vet's name but addressed to Russell Vale Animal Clinic and my veterinary clinic address in Bellambi.  OK... possession is nine tenths and all that, and it was a letter saying that they missed me.... or rather, missed Dr Jo..... I read the magazine, it was still trashy, so no reason to re-subscribe, and thus, correct their mistake.

Shrugged my shoulders - and moved on. Today, got a referral letter from a specialist whom I had referred a patient to for advanced eye surgery, and the letter came back to Dr Catherine..... at my veterinary clinic and my veterinary clinic address.  This did annoy me - I personally know this specialist.

But shrugged my shoulders again - but  twice in one week.  Is there some identity napping scheme going on? Coupled with a phone call from some person with a strong accent claiming to be calling me from London, England asking me for my specialised opinion on veterinary matters, and wanting specific identity information from me, and I am wondering what is going on?

Fortunately, a surname like mine is not one you would want to steal!  But I am feeling a bit lost that Russell Vale Animal Clinic, my  baby, the thing I nurtured from when it was just a concept to what it is now, being linked to vets who have never worked here. And me, being lost in the sea of veterinarians out there due to database mismatches. 

At least it is a change from seeing the many variations on how my surname is spelt (and the pronunciations are just as good too).