Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Visit Us at Russell Vale Animal Clinic

What makes people choose one vet over another?  Is it the location? The price? Things they have heard about the vet?

I don't know the answer to that question, as I am sure it is different for everyone.  But I do know what type of experience we hope that you get if and when you come to see us at Russell Vale Animal Clinic.

They say first impressions count.  That we gotta look "smik" to impress.  We are a family practice, and a busy one most days, so sometimes, the externals do look a bit less "smik" than I like.
Russell Vale Animal Clinic

So, this is what we look like on the outside.

Inside, we have the traditional waiting room (which needs a coat of paint), reception area, consultation rooms.

And, this is where you will meet Dirk (or you could be lucky and meet Tegan).

Dirk and Murphy at reception.

Dirk is very good with the animals, and as you can see from the photo below, actually looks like them too!

He is very passionate about preventative care of all pets, so expect to be asked about your preventative care plan for your pets.  Almost all visits get asked this, with most clients appreciative of this effort.

Some clients were using three different products but all doing the same thing... so by asking these questions we have actually saved them money, and, obviously prevented overdosing of the pet.  Some clients were thinking they were doing something, and were then shocked, to find out that the products were being underdosed, or didn't cover those parasites.
Dirk Rozendaal
We don't expect you to be experts in this, as that is what we are for.

All pets get their microchip scanned for the number. This is to make sure it is still there, as they can migrate around or out, as well as to get the pet used to having something waving above their back. All microchips are implanted under the skin between the shoulder blades.

And then, we do the next step which many vets do not do (we support the  UK initiative of "Get vets scanning")  - we check the microchip registries to see that the chip details is actually on there - and if it is, what it says.  Do you realise how many details we have found that have not been correct, even with the owners doing the right thing and getting it changed?   Don't leave things to chance.  Your pet's chip is its best chance of getting back home to you, if they ever do go missing.

We haven't even gotten into to see me yet.  I am the vet, and I am known as Dr Liz.  Some gurus say its unprofessional to use your first name, but I do have an unusual surname, so I think it best if I stick to Dr Liz.  

My surname is "Chmurycz", which is, honestly, pronouncable. Just put your fingers over the Ch. I am Australian born to Polish born, Australian Citizens.  I was born in Wollongong, and grew up here.  And I wanted to be a vet since fourth grade!  I love being a vet, and I care and respect all pets.

What I do, is to make sure all puppies and kittens (of whatever age) are as healthy as they can be.  I give them a full check up with the hands on thing (as much as some will allow .... most are pretty good).  An old Professor of mine used to say " you miss more for not looking, than not knowing".  So I try not to miss too much.

I realised I don't have a good front on picture of myself.  Well, I am shy, and not very photogenic.  Unlike my children, who I have lots of photos from.

Back to your pet.... the examination we perform is what they call a "Full General Examination", where we examined your pet from head to toe.  In this examination, we do the "laying of the hands", and check things over.  And also, ask you some questions too.  

And that is what vets can do that Dr Google can't.  I like Dr Google.  He is very informative, and I have learnt alot using Dr Google. But he can't lay hands on your pet, and examine him, and really find out what is going on.  He can only rely on the information you give him, which is valuable, but is only half the story of what is going on with your pet.

After all of this, you have been here about 20-30 minutes already.  We aren't a walk in - walk out type of practice, and we do like to spend time to get to know you and your pet.  We think this is valuable, as we want to be your pet's newest bestest friend.  This can't be done in a "Hi... Bye" type of practice style.  I know that this style does suit alot of people who are time poor, and just want the "jab" done quickly.

Then the horrid part..... you have to pay for it.   But, I think all pet's are worth it.   I wouldn't be here if I thought otherwise.

So, why would you choose us over another vet?   You don't have to.  If you are happy with  the care your pet receives at your current vet,  then don't change.

 But we are always here for you and your pets if you want to visit the mad pet lovers at Russell Vale Animal Clinic.  You can always call us on 02 42 845 988 or email me on

Want to know more?  You can always visit our website

The children of the mad pet lovers at Russell Vale Animal Clinic
Haiden, Tegan, Sean and Paige.
(taken 2009)