Monday, October 8, 2012

Petshop or Vetshop?

Is your  local veterinary hospital a petshop or a vetshop?

In many instances around the world, many veterinary hospitals also have "retail space" for the flea control, worming, foods, etc for all pets.   This retail space is not to make money,  but to make sure the pet's entire needs are catered for, simply and easily for you, the pet owner.

I was challenged by a web designer the other day in a webinar, that does my website look like a pet shop or a veterinary hospital?  It wasn't directed towards me, as such, but as a general question to all veterinarians during this webinar.

So I looked at some past photos of my veterinary hospital, and I looked at my website, and, I am not sure what you all think of it?

I know I have a beautiful photos of the foods and shampoos that we sell.  It looked very professional, and it was taken by my daughter.

We stock alot of different shampoos, conditioners, flea and tick treatments, pet dental hygiene products etc etc  all of which are products which I use, or have used, or will use, in my own pets if I ever needed to. That is, I stand by these products.

But does that makes me look like a pet shop?  And aren't all pet shops are  same?  Even the online ones all look the same, stock the same stuff, and the only thing you are looking at then, is the bottom line for you... how much is it, can I get it cheaper elsewhere.

Russell Vale Animal Clinic even has its own online shop, called animalclinic. You can visit our store at  It, like our vet clinic, is not a pet shop. If yo come to check us out, you will see that our shop, provides solutions to problems, rather than just product on shelves.

 And then I look at the photos of my veterinary facility...the equipment that I have, from my pathology laboratory, veterinary library, operating theatre with all of its gadgets and things that go beep and flash numbers, to the xray machine, and the pet's bedding and housing just to name a few....  and I know I have a veterinary  hospital.  A full blooded veterinary hospital capable of doing surgeries, blood and urine testing, diagnosing and treating of medical diseases, and loads more.

 But we are more than just the equipment that is in the building.   We are solutions to problems.
 "It is the knowledge and care which we provide which makes all the difference", is what has been written on our bags, our folders and our website for over 10 years.  Recently, we have said we are for "Happy, healthy pets", as it is all about sending the message out that we are for happy and healthy pets, always.

But the situation is the same now as it was when we opened in 1998.  Whether we are a vet shop or pet shop, we are animal lovers, and we have a veterinary facility packed with equipment and stock to allow us to do it to the best of our ability.

After all, we are your first stop to a solution to  your pet's problems. And that, my friends, is priceless.