What every new pet owner needs to know....
There is an old saying that you can't avoid death or taxes. I really think this needs to be modernised, and have insurance added to it.
Insurance is also something that can't be avoided by most of us. We are all insured in one way, shape or form. Most of us have insurance without even realising it, such as being forced to pay Medicare levy (really a tax), or Compulsory Third Party on our cars.
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Insurance is like a blanket! |
On Christmas Day, I got into a heated discussion with a family member over insurance. Well, it didn't last long, as it really isn't worth fighting over. But, he made a point that he, at 31, was too young to have insurance. I asked him at what age was appropriate to consider it. I didn't get a reply.
It made me wonder if many people feel the same thing about insurance for their pet. When they are puppies or kittens, it is hard to think about the things that could go wrong. So, you wait until they are older as that is when you think this is best time. But if you take pet insurance out when they are older, there are alot of "pre-existing " exclusions, that may make insurance not viable for you.
Look, I have seen what insurance doesn't do, and I have seen what it does do. And, really, we don't need insurance if we budgeted for when the shit hits the fan, or if we had a community that rebuilt the homes if they burnt down, or fed our children if we died, or animal services able to provide top notch services for free.
When things go wrong, we don't have some one else catching us when we fall.... we need to be prepared ourselves.
But my blogs are about animals. And, going back to the title of my post.
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If only there was a Medicare for pets! Oh, there is, it is called Pet insurance - but you have to take the policy out yourself! |
Insurance is like a warm blanket. Well, that could mean two types of blankets.
One type of blanket is the wet, foul smelling kind, that, when it is wrapped around you, gives you the cold chill, and the hair stands up on the back of your neck. Many people talk about insurance in this way.
I know that feeling. With insurance, there is an expectation, almost an unwritten expectation, that it will protect you, no matter what. And, really, that is understandable, as that is what their advertising is all about.
I also know the feeling of disappointment, when they don't follow through or fulfil what you expect from the promises they make. I know as a teenager, when my mother was unwell, she had income protection insurance, but when she was diagnosed with cancer, that insurance failed her. She did not know to take the non-cancellable kind.
I know I now can't get income protection insurance because of my weight, and I pay a premium on my life insurance too. That is the cold wet feeling, hugging a cold, slimy blanket gives you.
And then there is the warm fuzzy, woollen blanket, that makes you feel like you are cuddling up to your mum, on a cold day. That is when things are falling around your ears, you know that insurance is there to catch you (and cover the bills).
And that is what I have seen pet insurance do for many pet owners. So instead of the discussion about money, which I absolutely hate having to do, it changes to a discussion on what is the best thing to do.
But here is the kicker..... say you didn't take out pet insurance till your pet was 2 years old. And say, when your pup was 4 months old, it got an ear infection, which cleared up really easily on two weeks of drops. Dogs (and us) get ear infections, which clear up just as easily. And say, you had no further skin or ear problems for another 2 -3 years.
So your dog is now 3 or 4. And they get another ear infection, because someone didn't wipe their ears out after a swim at the beach. Great, you think, you have pet insurance. Finally, after all those months of paying premiums, you will finally get something back.
That is the warm feeling that insurance gives you. As a result, you Ok drops and medications, which, overall, aren't in the hundreds of dollars, but still is a whack out of your weekly budget.

That is what you feel when you get the letter back saying your claim was refused.
Perhaps you are wondering what my point actually is? It certainly isn't to suggest you ignore insurance overall.
I think you will agree, though, that you do need budget for your pet's veterinary needs, or you need to get pet insurance early on in the piece. Those of my clients who took out insurance as soon as they picked up their pup or kitten, have not, overall, been disappointed with the decision.
Let me make it simple for you.....I am speaking as a vet here.... you need to budget for your pet's health needs and you need to seriously look at insurance.
It is OK to say "No, I am not interested in insurance" so long as you understand my position when I refuse to pay for your pet's veterinary care because you don't have the money to do the right thing.
If you want to know more about what we do at Russell Vale Animal Clinic, and our FREE four week pet insurance for our clients, then VISIT HERE!