Saturday, December 15, 2012

A piece of Peace

It is almost Christmas 2012.... and for me, I have been on this Earth for 45 years, and my memory recalls the last 42 years.

I remember as a toddler going to a beach in Wollongong where another child was abducted, and the noise of the diggers going through the trenches. It was noisy, I was scared. It was not peaceful.

I remember being in infants school at West Wollongong, hearing about the starvation of children in Africa.  I remember wanting to do something to help them. And my mother saying to me, there will always be starving people in Africa.  I couldn't understand her attitude, but sadly, after 40 years, she is still right.

In Primary School, well those years are vague. I seem to have blocked those years out totally.   In High School, there was conflict everywhere, but I remember the boats coming in with refugees from Korea, and Europe. I remember my parents helping families coming in from Poland, as they were of Polish origin themselves, although Australian Citizens. 

In my Uni days, well, I tried to block out all conflict, as life was traumatic enough within my family, without the outside world.  But I do remember clearly, the breaking down of the Berlin Wall... and the  belief that the "Cold War" was over. 

Pandora, the boss at Russell Vale Animal Clinic
Peace is being comfy with your little corner of the world (or box)
The constant has been that each Christmas, we hope for Peace, and each year, there is conflict, with people dying, with someone else justifying this death.

As a simple vet, I don't understand it all, as I know that there are many diseases which are evil themselves, such as cancer, or infections, or illnesses.  Fighting these take alot of energy and resources.  And resources are thin,

Each of us, at some point in our lives, would've heard the story of the men shaking hands and sharing Christmas songs in the middle of World War 2, or the Secret Santa giving gifts of joy to those who need and deserve it.

These are stories which bring tears to my eyes, and hope to my soul.

Why do we have to wait for Christmas or designated days of World Peace or World Kindness Days for the message of peace to come to the front?  Why can't our news broadcaster include, in every news day, a story of peace and hope, instead of the doom and gloom?


Peace is "too hard" for many people as we think we need to fight it on a global level, and that is just too hard.  What can I do for World Peace when I am just a simple vet. What can you do ? when you have a family, a mortgage, the stresses of surviving day to day.

I am sure you will see that you and I can do alot.  We may not change the world, but we can change our corner of it.  And if more people choose to change their corner of the world, then that is alot of corners that have been changed.

Without going into details, my family and I have alot of reasons to hate the world, and be bitter at what it has thrown at us.  But we choose to stand up strong, and say... evil people exist out there, who only care about money and power, and you may win at some level, but I will not be broken by it.

Stand up and say ... I support a world where everyone has a piece of Peace.

If each of us supported Peace in our little corner of our world, then, we have World Peace.